Portuguese Clam Stew

Chopped Sea Clams stewed with Spanish chorizo, flaked whitefish, shrimp, diced onion, roasted cherry tomatoes, garlic, bay leaf, garnished with fresh cilantro and served with a piece of grilled baguette.

Yield: 2 Servings


In a large saucepot, heat up the vegetable oil on medium heat. Add in the white onion and chorizo, then cook for 4-5 minutes, or until the onion is translucent. Stir in the garlic, then cook for another minutes, or until fragrant. Pour in the fish stock, then add in the bay leaf, cherry tomatoes, salt and black pepper. Simmer for 6-8 minutes, or until the stew starts to thicken. Add in the Chopped Sea Clams, whitefish and shrimp, then simmer for another 8-10 minutes or until it is a stew-like consistency. When serving, garnish with cilantro and serve with the baguette.


1 Cup                         Sea Watch Chopped Sea Clams
2 Tbsp.                       Vegetable Oil
½ Cup                        White Onion, Diced
½ Cup                        Chorizo, Sliced
2 tsp.                          Garlic, Minced
1 Quart                      Fish Stock
1 Each                        Bay Leaf
½ Cup                        Cherry Tomatoes, Roasted
To Taste                    Salt & Black Pepper
¼ lb.                           Whitefish, Chopped
¼ lb.                           Shrimp
Garnish                     Cilantro, Chopped
To Serve                    Baguette, Sliced & Grilled

Product Codes

Sea Watch: 0S31 (6/51 oz), 01S31, 01G31, (12/51oz)

Capt Fred: 01S47 (12/51 oz)